In a few days, UNEP’s 3.0 Ad hoc Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) Science-Policy Panel for the Continued Sound Management of Chemicals, Waste and Pollution Prevention (SPP CWP) will commence in Geneva, Switzerland (17th to 21st June) and stakeholders will also participate in a series of engagement events and discussions before that on the 16th June. This is expected to be the final phase of negotiations before the Ministerial sign-off on the third Intergovernmental Panel, which will sit alongside the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
In preparation for the 3.0 OEWG meeting, the SETAC CheM Panel would like to consult with the Affinity Group on the ‘SPP Science Alliance’ concept. This is concept proposed by UNEP’s Scientific and Technological Major Group. Since SETAC is accredited to that UNEP Major Group it would be helpful to get your feedback on the idea and if it would be something you might be interested in engaging in (if and when the alliance is established). Here is a Google drive document, which I’ve put together for you, that includes hyperlinks to the ‘SPP Alliance’ concept document, a short survey for feedback on the concept document, and other information and resources that I thought you might find useful in the lead up to 3.0 OEWG.
The ‘SPP Science Alliance’ consultation will be live until COD 15th June 2024. The collated findings of the consultation will feed into discussions on the topic at 3.0 OEWG.
Best wishes
Created: 05 Jun 2024 12:06:34 PM
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