SETAC/ICA Chris Lee Award for Metals Research


The International Copper Association (ICA) Chris Lee Award for Metals Research is awarded annually and is sponsored by ICA. It was initiated by the society to recognize the leadership and technical contributions by the late Chris Lee. It provides up to US $5,000 to a single graduate student or recent graduate who has focused on research related to the fate and/or effects of metals in the environment. A key consideration for this award is that the recipient will continue research on metals-related environmental issues, and funding will be provided by ICA toward the recipient’s ongoing research.


  • Nominees must be a graduate student or recent graduate (less than 2 years since the completion of their studies) who is expected to continue research in metals-related environmental fate and/or effects issues
  • Nominees must have published in a peer-reviewed journal on metals-related subject within two years prior to the award date (prior to the year the nomination packet being submitted).
  • Nominees must be an active SETAC member at Explorer level or higher.

Application Instructions

Any individual, group, or organization can nominate nominees. Self-nominations are acceptable. An application package containing, in order, the following materials must be submitted to be considered for the award:

  • Curriculum vitae of no more than five pages, including education, employment and volunteerism history, awards and recognition, peer-review publications (with DOIs), technical reports, presetnations, workshops and meetings, and professional memberships.
  • A letter of no more than five pages, describing their research and its contribution and/ or impact to their research area, and their future research plans, plus any biographical information, such as outside interests, volunteer work or personal statements.
  • Three letters from any of their major professors, graduate committee members, or research associates who are familiar with both their work performance and the nature of their research

Nominees will be asked to return a disclosure form before the nomination package is sent for review.

Review Process

Nominations will be evaluated independently by a GAC-appointed review panel on a scale of 1–5, with one indicating that the nominee does not reflect the criteria and five indicating that the nominee strongly reflects the criteria. Each nomination packet will be judged on the on the quality and originality of the research and the contribution of the nominee, the significance of the findings to the metals industry, and the proposal to continue their work in the field. The GAC will then discuss the panel’s determination to select a sole recipient. A summary of the award nominees and the highest scoring applicant will be presented to the SWC for approval. If an agreement is not reached by the GAC, a resolution will be made by the SWC.

Award Procedure

The Global Executive Director will notify the winner. The award will be announced at all SETAC annual meetings and presented at the meeting of the recipient’s choosing. The award consists of a plaque, a cash award of US$5,000, and complimentary registration to the annual meeting where the award will be presented.

Award Requirements

Please notify SETAC any article, paper, or manuscript prepared with support from the award. Publications resulting from work supported by the award should bear the following statement:

This research was made possible [in part] by the ICA Chris Lee Award for Metals Research and the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of ICA or SETAC.


Awards Disclosure

SETAC has implemented a self-disclosure step as part of the award process consistent with SETAC’s code of conduct and code of ethics. We ask each award candidate to consider whether they have any past or current transgressions that should be disclosed.

  • For candidates that are nominated by someone else, SETAC will reach out to the candidate directly, ask them to accept the nomination and provide the awards disclosure information.
  • For self-nominations, applicants will be ask to provide the disclosure during the application process.


For further information, contact us at [email protected].