Parallel Program

The parallel program includes meetings, seminars, mini-workshops, networking mixers, tours, and other events meant to complement the annual meeting. Popular parallel events include the “SETAC Student Noontime Seminar” and the “SETAC Fun Run.”  

To request meeting space in Fort Worth, please contact us at [email protected].


Parallel Program Event Types

Meetings and Mixers

SETAC supports member groups (e.g., regional chapters, committees, and interest and affinity groups) and external groups (e.g., business or non-profit organizations) in scheduling meetings and socials at the annual meeting.

SETAC Interest Group general membership meetings are best held at the end of the scientific program schedule in a room with theater style seating while steering committee administrative meetings are best held in a room with U-shaped seating.

SETAC group mixers are best held in the new SETAC Groups area in the Exhibit Hall, where refreshments are provided, for added visibility.


SETAC sponsors, committees and groups plan for a guest speaker to address attendees. The “SETAC Student Noontime Seminar” and “Women in SETAC” have been popular for years. Seminar proposals are requested by the end of the first half of the calendar year to allow sufficient time for planning.*


Mini-workshops help participants develop their soft career skills and are planned for the day before the meeting. They are planned by SETAC committees and groups, and topics may include science communication, interviewing skills, resume writing, project management, etc. Mini-workshop proposals are requested by the end of the first half of the calendar year to allow sufficient time for planning.*

*Requests due early to accommodate extensive planning requirements.