SETAC Policies

Report an Ethical Concern

To report a concern, please contact the SETAC compliance officers at [email protected] or call (202) 677 3001 ext. 113. Concerns are addressed through SETAC’s problem resolution process, consistent with the SETAC whistleblower policy.

Report Concern


SETAC adheres to the highest standards of integrity and professionalism, and all members and stakeholders are expected to comply with our policies. 


Reporting Concern Over Policy Breach or Violation 

SETAC also has promulgated policies and processes that address the breach of these policies within our society. 

Individuals who become aware of potential breaches of SETAC policies are encouraged to report concerns so that SETAC can address them through SETAC’s problem resolution process. SETAC is committed to open communication and will endeavor to protect individuals reporting issues from any reprisals or victimization consistent with the SETAC whistleblower policy


Participants in SETAC programs, whether in person or online, are expected to adhere to the highest standards of integrity and professionalism, and to comply with all SETAC Policies. This applies to members or guests, including governance and committee members, event attendees, chairs, speakers, volunteers, exhibitors, sponsors, staff members and service providers.

SETAC leadership and awardees are further required to sign an ethical disclosure form