Abstract Details
When submitting your short abstract, you will be asked to provide the following information:
- Title: Use title case for your title (for example, “Recommended Minimum Reporting Information for Environmental Toxicity Data”), maximum 200 characters (including spaces) and spell out abbreviations and acronyms in the title.
- Abstract: Maximum 2500 characters (including spaces), do not include citations, tables or figures and keep abbreviations and acronyms to a minimum in the abstract and fully define at first reference.
- Write for your audience: session chairs and colleagues.
- Be clear and concise. Suggested outline:
- Include one of two sentences on background
- Identify the challenge, problem, question or purpose of the work
- Explain how you plan to address the challenge
- Describe methods or approach without getting into excessive detail
- Report results or hypothesis, as appropriate
- Summarise main conclusions if research is complete
- Note the relevance of the study: How findings advance the topic or how they can be applied
- (Co-)authors: name and affiliation; specify the presenting author.
- Preferred Presentation Type: late breaking science abstracts are for poster presentation only.
NOTE: By submitting your short abstract, you give SETAC permission to publish it in the online meeting programme that will be made available to all participants.